Influencer Outreach Templates


Influencers can connect with a massive audience and influence their opinions and decisions.

Collaborating with influencers can be an effective marketing strategy for brands to expand their reach and connect with target audiences.

However, reaching out to influencers can be daunting, especially with so many brands out there vying for attention from influencers.

A personalized outreach message is essential to capture an influencer's attention and secure collaboration.

Difficulties in Influencer Outreach

Marketers encounter countless outreach campaigns aimed at engaging and collaborating with influencers to promote products and services, while the outreach process remains a challenge for many marketers.

Many marketers often focus solely on the content of the message, neglecting important aspects such as tone, grammar, and even professionalism.

The way an outreach message is crafted can have a significant impact on the response rate from influencers.

The response rate from influencers entirely depends on how you craft the message.

Difficulty #1: Message Tone

When said tone, even the generic message drafted commonly for influencers comes into picture.

Sending out generic messages to influencers, can come across as insincere and unprofessional.

You (marketers) must tailor the message to the individual influencer, demonstrating that you have taken time to research their content and understand their audience.

Difficulty #2: Grammar

Grammar and spelling mistakes can significantly undermine the credibility of your message.

Also, you don’t have to be a Grammar-nazi to draft the perfect email template.

Influencers are often approached by multiple brands and companies, and they're likely to be more receptive to messages that are well-written and professional.

It's important to proofread the message thoroughly and avoid any language that may be perceived as spammy or overly promotional.

Difficulty #3: Professionalism

Missing professionalism in the outreach message can hinder the chances of a successful collaboration.

Draft the message in a way it’s respectful of the influencer's time and demonstrate an understanding of their value and worth.

For example, failing to address the influencer by their correct name, failing to introduce yourself and your company or directly diving into the topic without appreciating their work can leave a poor first impression.

Ways to Reach out to Influencers

Contact Only the Right Influencers

It’s important to ensure that you’re contacting the right influencers. It might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many marketers make the mistake of reaching out to influencers who are not a good fit for their brand or campaign.

For example, if you’re a fashion brand, it wouldn’t make sense to reach out to a food influencer. So, take the time to research influencers who align with your brand and target audience.

Understand Your Goals

It's important to have a clear understanding of your goals before you draft your outreach message.

Ask yourself:

  • What type of campaign am I running?
  • What are my campaign goals?
  • Will I be offering payment or not?

These are all important factors to consider and mention when drafting your outreach message.

Mentioning them upfront in your outreach email helps influencers get a clear picture of the type of campaign they’re getting into.

Follow-up Emails

Don’t be afraid to follow up if you don’t hear back from the influencer right away.

Sometimes messages can get lost in the shuffle, so a polite follow-up message can go a long way in getting their attention.

However, it’s important to strike a balance between persistence and being annoying.

Don’t send too many follow-up messages, as this can turn the influencer off and harm your brand’s reputation.

Personalize Your Emails

Reaching out to influencers via email and DMs are the most common methods.

However, it’s important to remember that influencers receive countless messages every day, so you’ll need to find a way to make your message stand out.

Above all methods, personalizing your message helps you reach a long way.

Take the time to research the influencer and reference something specific about their content or brand in your message.

This will show them that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in working with them.

How do Influencer Outreach Templates Help?

Using an influencer outreach template can save you a lot of time and effort.

Rather than starting from scratch every time you want to reach out to an influencer, you can use a pre-written template that’s been proven to be effective.

Templates can help streamline your outreach process and allow you to focus on other important aspects of your marketing strategy.

Using an influencer outreach template can also increase your chances of getting a response from influencers.

Templates are typically well-crafted and have been tested, so you can trust that they’ll effectively communicate your message and entice influencers to work with your brand.

Influencer Outreach Templates

  1. Inviting Influencers to an Event

    Hello [Influencer name]

    I saw your reel last week attending the XYZ awards. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

    We, [brand name], are hosting a virtual awards show on [date] to celebrate content creators like you.

    Some of our speakers include [interesting person 1] and [interesting person 2].

    In addition to awards, we’re giving away swag, discounts, and more to all attendees.

    If you’re interested in attending, let me know!

    Thank You

    [Add Signature]

  2. Asking for Feedback

    Hello [Influencer name]

    Your article on [topic name] was on point. It related to me on so many levels.

    I constantly follow your writing, and I’m inspired by the perspective you enlighten.

    [add the blog/article URL]

    I’d love to hear your thoughts on my recent article.

    Kindly let me know your charges for reviewing one piece of content. I would love to work with you for feedback regularly.


    [Add Signature]

  3. Barter Campaign

    Hello [Influencer name]

    I must say how wonderful you’re doing with your creative campaigns for the brand you’ve so far collaborated with.

    I’m [your name], from [any restaurant or cafe name] have opened a new branch in [location name].

    I’m inviting amazing food bloggers like you to collaborate for my opening.

    Here’s a link to invite three people along with you on an opening day and give your honest feedback on the food’s taste.

    Looking forward to filling your energy in the new place.



  4. Product Based Campaign

    Hello [Influencer name]

    Your skincare tips are awesome, and I really appreciate how you stick to only a few products and not every product in the market.

    I’m [your name] from [skincare brand name].

    We’ve launched a new lipstick collection and invite skincare enthusiasts to review our product.

    You can have the product and, in exchange, give us your honest review about the collection.

    Let me know if you’ll be interested in working with us.



  5. Multiple Collaboration

    Hello [Influencer name]

    Kudos to the 100k followers you’ve recently hit. The celebration pictures of yours were heartwarming.

    I’m [your name], [position name] at [company name]. We’ve recently launched a new collection of clothes and would love to have influencers onboard with us to showcase it.

    You get an opportunity to work with photography, makeup artists, and fellow lifestyle influencers.

    Let me know if this opportunity would suit you.

    I’m looking forward to your reply.


    [Add Signature]

  6. Are you still spending time manually reaching out to influencers for your campaigns? Save your valuable time and connect influencers directly with Qoruz.

  7. Professional

    roi tracker roi tracker

Pro Tip:

Templates are a great starting point; they shouldn't be a one-size-fits-all solution.

  • Templates should never be used at the expense of your brand's voice and messaging. Review and edit the template to reflect your brand.
  • Research the influencer and tailor your message to their specific interests.


Influencer outreach templates can save the brand's time and effort, streamline the outreach process and allow brands to focus on other critical aspects of their marketing campaigns. With the influencer outreach template, brands can effectively collaborate with influencers and achieve their marketing goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

As a traditional method, you can find influencers on social media using hashtags or relevant keywords. You can also discover the right influencers for your brand on a platform like Qoruz to save time and make an informed decision.

Common mistakes to watchout for in influencer outreach:

  • Approaching the wrong influencers
  • Using a generic outreach message
  • Not providing clear guidelines, and
  • Not following up when there’s no response

When approaching nano and micro-influencers, you can start by introducing your brand and expressing an interest in collaborating. You can also mention the incentives, such as product offerings, discounts, or paid opportunities the influencers receive from the collaboration.

Qoruz is an influencer marketing platform that helps you find the right influencers and reach out to them directly. This way, you can make informed decisions and save much of your time finding and reaching out to influencers.