Looking for a better alternative to Influencer.in? You’ve got Qoruz.

Stop settling for mediocre results. Choose Qoruz - the influencer marketing platform that outperforms Influencer.in.


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Qoruz Vs. Influencer.in

Qoruz Influencer.in
Free Version
Free Trial Custom, on-demand
Dedicated Support
Influencer Database Manually added. Which means the option to explore influencer profiles is limited
Influencer Audience Insights Location, gender, and age group Location and gender
Pricing Transparency Usage-based Hidden
Actual Cost of Influencers Only estimated cost provided, not the actual influencer cost
Campaign Reporting Any brand campaigns Only Influencer.in campaigns

Why is Qoruz a better alternative to Influencer.in?


With Qoruz, discovering influencers is easy and efficient. Qoruz offers a range of filters to search for influencers based on location, demographics, age, cost, follower count, and many other factors. This makes it simple to find influencers that fit your brand requirements and maximize your campaign's reach and impact.

Unlike Influencer.in, Qoruz enables brands to shortlist influencers from a vast influencer database themselves. Influencer.in suggests influencers based on brand brief, restricting the possibility to explore other influencers.

Key Considerations Qoruz Influencer.in
Search based on multiple categories 30+ categories limited to 11
Twitter influencer database
Shortlisting influencers from a vast database (DIY model)
Curated list of influencers Only limited lists
Score to verify the influencer’s credibility Qoruz Score
Influencer database Integration of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube Cannot find influencers on Twitter


Qoruz planning feature provides key insights and metrics for the shortlisted influencers. Brands can view their performance insights, such as average likes, views, engagement rate, CPE, and CPV. Brands can also download the plan and request cost estimates for all shortlisted influencers at once.

Influencer.in might provide basic data for the shortlisted influencers for the brand’s campaign. Providing in-depth information as Qoruz is the missing piece in their puzzle.

Key Considerations Qoruz Influencer.in
Creating and downloading campaign plan
Requesting cost of shortlisted influencers (by yourself)
Summary of shortlisted influencers (average likes, views, deliverables, influencer cost, engagement rate, CPE, and CPV)
Content Inspiration


Qoruz Outreach enables brands to find right influencers and contact them directly. Qoruz provides brands access to influencers' contact numbers, allowing for quick and easy communication. Brands no longer have to wait to find influencer contacts or wait for a response, or rely on intermediaries for communication, enabling transparency and removing middlemen from the influencer outreach process.

Influencer.in communicates with the influencer on the brand’s behalf and restricts the possibility of a brand-influencer relationship.

Key Considerations Qoruz Influencer.in
Influencer database with contact details
Reach out to influencer directly


Qoruz reporting has comprehensive insights to live track the brand's campaign. Brands can track the top performing content, analyze audience engagement, track engagement rate, CPE, and CPV. On the reporting dashboard brand can download the report within minutes, eliminating the need for copy-pasting results in an excel sheet.

Influencer.in provides data for the live campaigns but fails to deliver the sentiment hidden behind the engagement received. The type of comments received and the words influencers use in their post help understand audience engagement and optimize future campaigns.

Key Considerations Qoruz Influencer.in
Influencer performance insights
Real-time campaign tracking
Access to team members to the dashboard
Historic vs Current campaign reach data
Campaign content insights (Comment sentiment and Common words in posts)
Competitor previous campaign report analysis
Campaign report download
Complete control over the campaign

Influencer Marketing Is Now Streamlined With Qoruz

Transparency in the Process

Brands achieve complete transparency throughout the influencer marketing process with Qoruz. This level of transparency helps brands find the right influencers and measure campaign effectiveness. Brands can view the ROI of the campaign, giving them a clear understanding of where and how their marketing budget is being spent.

Complete Control Over Campaigns

Brands can select the influencers they find brand-fit, contact directly & build a better relationship, and execute the campaign themselves. This gives brands full control over their campaigns, ensuring the influencers align with their overall marketing strategy and brand guidelines.

Make Data-driven Decisions

Qoruz provides brands with data-driven insights that help them make informed decisions in influencer marketing. With Qoruz, brands can track the campaign performance and the content published by influencers. This data helps brands identify which influencers and content drive the most engagement and conversions, allowing them to make data-driven decisions for present and future campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Qoruz platform enables you to filter influencers based on various criteria such as location, demographics, age, cost, follower count, and more. The premium filters in Qoruz help you find influencers who fit your brand.

Yes, the Qoruz outreach feature lets you contact influencers directly through the platform. You can access influencers' contact information and connect directly without intermediaries or waiting on their DM queue.

Qoruz reporting feature provides comprehensive insights into your influencer marketing campaigns, including metrics such as CPE, CPV, engagement rate, and audience engagement. You can track the performance of your campaigns and adjust your strategy based on data-driven insights.

Upgrade Your Influencer Marketing Game: Discover the Better Alternative to Influencer.in with Qoruz