Looking for a leagues-ahead alternative to Grin? Try Qoruz

Qoruz helps you run effective influencer marketing campaigns that drive sales and increase brand recognition, taking your brand to the next level


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Qoruz vs Grin

Qoruz Grin
Free Version available
Free Trial Custom, on-demand
Dedicated Support longer turn around time
Large influencer Database less diversity
Influencer Audience Insights
Pricing Transparency
Search by influencer demographic Influencer search based on sex, location, and platform Search available only based on platform
Hyperlocal influencers
Verified Influencer contact info
Campaign reporting not detailed
Downloadable campaign report in excel sheet

Why is Qoruz a better alternative to Grin


It is easier for the brand to find influencers based on their unique need from Qoruz’s large influencer database.

Unlike Grin, Qoruz has a diverse influencer database consisting of different sizes (nano, micro, macro, mega, celebrity) and categories of creators.

Key Considerations Qoruz Grin
Category search limited
Platform search (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
Advance filters
Curated list of influencers limited
Universal influencer score Qoruz Score

Influencer analytics

Qoruz provides comprehensive insights and data about influencers. Analyzing factors such as past performance and brand collaborations helps brands filter out fake influencers with fake or bot followings and identify genuine influencers with a proven track record of delivering successful campaigns.

Unlike Gin, Qoruz provides detailed analytics so the brands can confidently move ahead with their influencer marketing campaigns and ensure the authenticity of the influencers they work with.

Key Considerations Qoruz Grin
Influencer past brand association
Influencer authenticity
Post analysis limited
Influencer benchmark limited


Qoruz provides a quick and efficient way to connect with influencers or their managers using their verified contact information. Brands can set deliverables and provide content briefs to multiple influencers at scale.

Qoruz stands out from Grin by offering a higher level of transparency through our scanned and verified contact details for each influencer, allowing for more accurate cost predictions for each campaign.

Key Considerations Qoruz Grin
Verified influencer contact
Minimum turnaround time longer than Qoruz
Easy influencer-brand communication


Qoruz eliminates the need for guesswork by providing live reporting of your campaign, including essential metrics such as cost per engagement (CPE) and cost per view (CPV). The entire report is available for download in Excel format, saving you the time and effort of creating one from scratch.

Unlike Grin, Qoruz's reporting feature is incredibly useful when organizing a new campaign or sharing campaign results with colleagues.

Key Considerations Qoruz Grin
Live campaign report
Reporting based on multiple KPIs
Downloadable report
Detailed reports

Discover the power of influencer marketing for your brand with Qoruz!

Category search simplified

Influencer category search makes the process of finding the best fit of influencer for your brand 10 times easier. You can search for influencers according to your brand’s unique need from over 100 curated categories list. The curated list also comes in handy while looking for influencers who are otherwise difficult to find.

Run data-driven campaigns

Always move ahead with data on your side with Qoruz’s detailed influencers analytics and choose influencers based on the metrics which actually matter according to platforms. And view live reporting of the influencers once the campaign is live, and never second guess your decisions.

Be double sure with Qoruz score

Quickly glance at the influencer’s performance through the Qoruz score and always double sure before collaborating with a creator. Qoruz score is very useful while working with many influencers simultaneously, as it ensures you collaborate with quality influencers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Influencer marketing platform (Qoruz) simplifies influencer marketing for brands and helps scale the campaign based on the brand’s needs.

Get started in three easy steps:

  1. Define your goals
  2. Identify your target audience
  3. Research and identify influencers

Influencer marketing has been proven to be one of the best marketing tools in the world, and it drives one of the highest ROI compared to other marketing efforts.

Elevate Your influencer marketing Game: Discover Advanced Alternatives to Grin