Frequently Asked Questions

  • Qoruz provides a platform for brands and influencers to collaborate in many exciting and mutually beneficial ways. This is aided by advanced algorithms that enable discovery, and a simple dashboard that tracks all influencers and campaigns in a single space!
  • Influencer Marketing, in the most simple sense, is when you get someone with a recognized expertise or influence in a particular field to talk about you or your brand, so that people who trust their word are inclined to form a positive opinion about you (or your product). Remember that cool person in your college with a huge fan following? To make a mark for yourself in the new environment, all you had to do was get this guy to ‘refer’ to you as cool, and everyone would be flocking to have you as their friend! Naturally, in this form of marketing, the focus is on targeting these key influential individuals, rather than your entire target audience.
  • There are two ways in which you could get the social influencers to talk about your brand – either pay for it, or earn it. While paid marketing is relatively easy and should be taken up on an ad-hoc basis such as a seasonal campaign or a product launch, it is the earned influencer marketing where the real equity lies for the brand. Earned influencer marketing happens when influencers promote content about you for their own personal social growth, and is usually a result of having long-standing and meaningful relationships with influencers.
  • Qoruz combines the power of a sophisticated search-engine, a robust ranking algorithm, and intuitive chat messenger into one platform. This enables brands like yours to search, qualify, and reach out to the most relevant influencers. Brands that can cut through the content clutter to truly leverage influencer marketing will be the ones that create loyal, ever-expanding, micro-communities of their most relevant and vocal influencers. And Qoruz helps brands do exactly this.
  • The world of online social influencers is very dynamic and complex. Millions of people every day are growing and exerting their influence in categories from pet food to Paris travel, from cricket to calisthenics, from fashion to fast food and so on. As such, it is difficult to manually search, compare, and qualify the best influencers for your brand, and grow your influencer community on an everyday basis. That is exactly where Qoruz comes into play. Qoruz puts a method to this madness and helps agencies and brands alike to do influencer marketing and relationship management in a smarter, more consistent, and organic manner.
  • Qoruz’s influencer scoring tries to mimic real-world influence as closely as possible. For this, several quantitative and qualitative factors are taken into account for each profile per platform. A separate percentile score is calculated to indicate the relative influence an individual has on each social media platform. A category expertise score is calculated to demonstrate what topics they are influential in. These and other scores feed into an overall influence score for each influencer.
  • Qoruz currently works across 5 platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Blogs.
  • Qoruz boasts of more than 1 million indexed, global social profiles in its database. The search engine scans and indexes almost 400,000 profiles every day. We have segmented influencers over more than 140 categories! The keyword search also functions with more than 1 million keywords and phrases.
  • We are available 24X7. Mail us at with your queries and we’ll get back to you at the earliest.

Getting Started

  • E-mails as well as DM through Instagram and Twitter are the key ways through which you can connect with the influencer. Qoruz helps you to reach out to influencers through email with following steps to setup the same:

    • Choose on any of the influencers that you would like to invite for your influencer marketing campaign or the brand.
    • Enter the profile and click on Invite button which is right below the Cloud tags.
    • You get a pop-up mailbox with Email or the social media profiles that the influencers are active.
    • Choose E-mail and Click on the configure button. Now enter the username, e-mail address, and password.
    • You can find a drop-down menu of various popular email service through which you can connect with them.
    • Now Click on Configure – You can now easily reach out to the Influencers whenever you require.
    • You can also reach out to them through social media profiles in case the platform doesn’t have their email id.
  • Are you a media or branding agency? Are you running more than five influencer marketing campaigns simultaneously? Still figuring out the ways to maintain your records? Here is why you need to explore Network in Qoruz.

    The network is your master database where you can upload the already existing influencer database and manage them efficiently in Qoruz platform. Here you can also shortlist various profiles that match your requirements and add them under network. It has a personalized search where only the profiles that ultimately you pick for the campaigns are displayed.

    • If you click on an influencer profile, a detailed pop-up menu appears with their social profile. Just above their Bio, you can find network icon in between the list and shortlisting icons.
    • Under My Networks, we have “Upload List” option where you can upload any profiles with the relevant information.
    • Also, there is a search and advanced search options available. Instead of Qoruz search, you can find the right people from this database you have created through the same.
  • Campaign Tracker allows you to keep a check on all campaigns or keywords that are already active on social media platforms on a real-time basis. The trackers contains metrics specific to influencer evaluation and insights required for analyzing any campaign performance.

    • Click on the Tracker Icon on the top right corner of your toolbar.
    • Click on Add Tracker to create the tracker list for the campaign.
    • The pop up menu displays and primarily choose the platform in which you want to track the brand and the keyword.
    • Enter the keyword and set the tracker name for easy usage.
    • The brand handle helps you to identify the keyword of the particular brand.
    • You could also include or exclude certain keywords depending upon the need.
  • Recon helps you to keep a track on the brand-influencer footprint for your brand as well your competitors. The primary function of the Recon is to monitor your brand and derive results about your competitors and influencers specific to influencer conversations.

    The recon dashboard is activated with the assistance of Qoruz team. The client needs to provide the team with the list of brand keywords and competitors for which they wish to track using Recon following which the dashboard will be developed and deployed within an hour.

Influencer Search

  • Through this feature, you can search the influencer profile using various methods such as Content search, Bio Search, Mention search and Category search, all at once!

    • The advanced search is found when you click on the search tab. A pop up menu displaying various search options comes up wherein you can find advanced search at the right corner.
    • The advanced search is the compilation of all these search features with Boolean search options. With the keywords entered, this will fetch you better and focused results while listing all the profiles based on the keyword provided.
  • Searching influencers often tends to be tedious with entering a lot of relevant keywords and queries. Qoruz now helps you to save these searches so that the hassle and time taken for entering the queries can be saved.

    • If you check out the advanced search options, the save search button is at the bottom. You can fill all the keywords and category in advanced search and click ‘Save search.’
    • The search gets saved and also listed to the right of the advanced search box. They display the entire search that you have carried in the past. This helps you to save time and you can further access these searches with a single click!
  • Filtering the influencers seems like a complicated process? With Qoruz filters you don’t have to worry about it anymore. There are four primary filters used in Qoruz that can ideally help you to find the perfect influencer. Search for the keyword and choose the platform in which you want to find the influencer post which you can apply the following filters:

    • Followers Filter: based on the number of followers the influencer has on the particular social media. You have to enter the minimum and maximum followers as an input value to find the best results.
    • Engagement Filter: Engagement filter allows you to segment the searches within different engagement levels (Very High, High, Medium, Low, Very Low).
    • Gender Filter: Helps you to segment the search results based on whether the influencer is Male/Female
    • Location: Discover influencers based on a specific location by entering the location in this filter.
    • Mention Range: Refers to the influencer has posted about the particular keyword in their content. The slider is set to 10 by default which can be further reduced to get higher results.
  • Shortlisting Influencer profiles and organizing them in countless excel sheets with all the information took a major chunk of time in influencer marketing campaign execution. With Qoruz, you can shortlist your desired influencers with just a click!

    • You can click on the shortlist icon and check them all on the top right corner of the Qoruz toolbar tab. (Have you seen the save icon of your Instagram? The shortlist icon is similar to them )
    • When you click on them there is a scroll down menu appears which provide you with three different option.
    • The “Add to list” will move the influencer profile to a new/existing list that you have created already in the platform.
    • With “Download list” you can download and send us an email or link to your team members to take some quick decisions.
    • For new list to begin with you can use the clear list option and start shortlisting the new profiles.

Influencer Profiling

  • Qoruz score is a percentile based scoring ranging 1 to 10 and the score is distributed based on their audience engagement at the various social media platforms.

    • The score acts a quantifying value to understand the level of influence an influencer has on different platforms. Higher the score, higher the influence!
    • Qoruz score is evaluated for each social profile of the influencer. Hence it proves as a metric to understand the presence and activity of an influencer across different social platforms
  • Topic scores are calculated based on the percentile basis scoring from 1-100. When you click on the influencer profile, you can see the bio and social profile. Just below the name you will find a yellow tab that displays topic score of the profile.

    Topic score proves essential in understanding the degree of affinity an influencer has to a particular category.
  • Influencer reach out can be done as follows:

    • After selecting the profile, click on the ‘Invite’ button. You can find the invite button just below the Hashtag Cloud.
    • The Invite is a templatized message which can be editable and can be sent through email or Twitter DM or Facebook chat depending on the availability of the influencer in that platform.
  • Qoruz platform offers a unique metric in every influencer profile called as ‘Sphere of Influence.’ It helps you understand the network an influencer has with other influencers and vice versa. It is divided into two parts:

    • People that Influencer X Influences: Gives the list of influencers who follows or interacts with Influencer X’s content. Greater the number of influencers in this list, greater is the chances of the influencer’s content getting organically amplified and also greater probability of the influencer’s followers being more authentic and credible.
    • People that Influence Influencer X: List of influencers which influencer X follows or interacts with.

    Each of these lists is further divided into budding, micro, expert and super influencers based on the qoruz scoring.
  • Each influencer profile listed in Qoruz lists the brands that the influencer have engaged with through his/her content or social interaction.

    • You can find the brands that are influenced by the particular influencer right below the ‘sphere of influence’ tab.
    • This implies the brand-influencer interaction such as mentioning the brand name, sharing the content of the specific brand, like or commenting on any post made by the influencer.

Influencer Analyser, My Networks and Lists

  • Analyzer Dashboard helps you to understand the effectiveness of influencers engagement even before you begin the campaign. It helps you to understand whether the influencer is good enough to engage with based on metrics like CPE and on their past content mentions.

    • Go to the Analyzer tab by clicking on the icon from the title bar.
    • Click on New analysis button. A pop-up menu appears.
    • Name the list and enter the brand that you would like to target for analysis.
    • Select the platform in which you would like to analyze the brand. Click on create.
    • Your analysis will be initiated and be displayed on the dashboard.

    Now click on View list to see how the brand is performing respectively. You can analyze them on various parameters such as Influencers, content, etc. To create the analysis:

    • Click on Upload new list, wherein you can upload the sheet containing influencer handle names, total number of posts and costs they charge.
    • Now after uploading the list, click on the analyze button. You can find the number of posts, estimated campaign budget, estimated engagement and average CPE for the influencers of the brand.
    • The content tab gives an insight about the competitors or brands that any influencers have used in their content.
  • After analyzing the influencer profile you may have the necessity to send them or store them for your campaign needs. Qoruz provides you with the feature of downloading this list for different searches, keywords and based on the other filters. There are two ways of downloading the list

    Using List Option:
    • Find the List icon on the right corner of the toolbar. Click on the drop down menu.
    • You can find there are numerous list of influencer you have shortlisted for every keyword.
    • Click on View List button to see the profiles you have shortlisted under the respective keyword.
    • Now find the download icon near the title bar. Click on the icon and the list gets automatically downloaded and saved as an excel sheet.

    Using ShortList:
    • Click on Shortlist Icon on the toolbar. The drop down menu will appear showing various influencers you have shortlisted.
    • Now below that you can also find the Download list button, click on that.
    • The pop up box appears. Fill in the particulars of which list has to be downloaded.
    • You can now download them on your PC for sharing or saving them using it later.
  • Creating a list helps you to organize the shortlisted profiles from the Qoruz Platform. Also, in case you have already a list of influencers you have engaged with for your earlier campaigns, you could upload them in Qoruz with simple steps.

    • Find the List icon on the right corner of the toolbar. Click on the drop down menu.
    • Check the + symbol icon just below the title bar.
    • On clicking the icon, a pop up menu appears asking for list name and brand name.
    • You can enter the list name based on the keyword search and the brand name for your reference.
    • Now Click on Create button and the list is created instantly. Now you can add the profiles and shortlist them under each of these lists being displayed.
    • Click on view list following which click on the Upload list option
    • From here, you can upload the sheet of influencers with their brand handle names post which Qoruz will automatically map their social profiles and creates the list within the platform
    • While you are setting up an analyzer dashboard, the first thing you will come across is to upload the list.
    • You can click on the upload list button. Check the sample by clicking on Download sample lists.
    • The sheet uploaded must have the following inputs: handle names, total number of posts, cost charged per post.
    • Post uploading the list, the dashboard will be giving insights based on the influencers included in the sheet.
    • While you are setting up an analyzer dashboard, the first thing you will come across is to upload the list.
    • You can click on the upload list button. Check the sample by clicking on Download sample lists.
    • The sheet uploaded must have the following inputs: handle names, total number of posts, cost charged per post.
    • Post uploading the list, the dashboard will be giving insights based on the influencers included in the sheet.
  • Network is the ideal feature for you to store and manage all the influencers that you have in your database. Generally media agencies or branding companies will run various campaigns simultaneously and the network can help you along to put the influencer database in the right place. You can even add or edit the information of the influencers in this database.

    • After adding them to your network you can find the list of profiles added to your network for various campaigns. Each profile listed will have a white area and a grey area.
    • The white area contains the information of influencers which Qoruz has and the grey area just below is where you can edit their profile by providing more or appropriate information such as cost per post, contact mail id, phone number etc.
    • Qoruz supports searching within networks based on the keywords as well as the extra queries entered.

Qoruz Recon and Trackers

  • Recon dashboards ideally help the brand to monitor their influencer conversations and understand its effectiveness with respect to competition. The dashboard contains unique metrics dedicated to influencer evaluation and brand effectiveness with respect to influencer conversations. Following are the key dashboards:

    • Home: This dashboard essentially shows insights about the brand being tracked. The key metrics include Influencer Activity Timeline, Expertise Distribution among different influencer engagement categories, Influencer Category distribution based on the topic they speak, keyword/hashtag cloud and geographical distribution of the influencers.
    • Platforms: You can choose the platform in which you would like to track the brand. The dashboard gives a platform-wise insight about the brand with the similar metrics in the home dashboard.
    • Content: The content tab displays all the contents related to the particular brand across platforms and also includes sorting features based on Engagement/Recency.
    • Influencer: Shows the details of influencers who have mentioned about their brand in their content across social platforms. Through the dashboard you can view what the influencer posted along with the engagement it got.
    • Competition: One of the most highly used dashboard of Recon wherein the user can identify how their brand is performing with competition when it comes to influencer conversations or campaigns. Each metric listed in this dashboard helps the brand to understand which influencer to ideally target and on how they could make the overall brand-influencer relationship effective.
  • When you track the influencer marketing campaign in Trackers, through the influencer stream, you can identify all the influencers who have mentioned a particular keyword or hashtag that is being tracked. Qoruz also provides a way to understand the performance of just the influencers that has been paid for the campaign. To keep a track on them and compare the paid vs earned influencers, you need to follow these simple steps:

    • Click on the campaign trackers icon. It will list all the campaigns you have been tracking.
    • Choose any one of them in which you would like to see the paid influencers for the campaign.
    • Go to the settings dashboard and upload the sheet containing the handle names of the influencers whom you have paid for the campaign along with the costs they charged per post.
    • After uploading, towards right, you can find Paid Influences check box. Select them and a paid influencer tab will appear in the dashboard.
    • Check and Uncheck the text box to compare between the paid and earned influencers Further in the paid influencers, an additional metric named Cost Per Engagement is included which helps you to find out the best performing influencer with respect to ROI.
  • Sharing the reports on your dashboards seems to be the most important element while you are working as a team. You might want to share the live reports, updates and the activity sheet of influencers instantly. Struggle no more! Use the sharing dashboard options at Qoruz now.

    • Click on the campaign trackers icon, and they display the list of the campaigns that you have been tracking.
    • Click on view report button to share the report that you like the other team members to see.
    • Just beside the campaign that you are tracking, to the right, you can see four personalized option such as adding collaborators, deleting, sharing and downloading.
    • Choose sharing option, and you can find the popup message with the public URL.
    • You can use the URL and share them with your team, colleagues or save it for future purpose.

For any further queries, please write to us.