Next-Gen Influencer Marketing Technology

Our data science and engineering team builds technology that enables us to analyse billions of daily interactions across social networks to extract valuable insights.

  • 1 Billion+
  • Content Pieces Processed
  • 100 Million+
  • Social Profiles Analyzed
  • 6 Million+
  • Influencers Identified

Precision Through Deep Data Intelligence

Influencer marketing platform with Influencer Index

Qoruz Influencer Index™

Our proprietary influencer ranking algorithm goes beyond vanity metrics and factors audience engagement, true followership, and content quality to calculate true influence score for each influencer. This enables us to remove subjectivity and provide a standardized metric to evaluate social influence.

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Influencer marketing platform with social profile aggregator

Social Profile Aggregator ™

A unique crawling engine that identifies influencer profiles on any one social platform and then cross-links their existing profiles on all other top social media platforms.This helps us create a 360-degree social profile for each influencer.

Influencer marketing platform with content extraction engine

Content Extraction Engine

For each influencer profile, we run a deep data content analysis to identify primary category of influence, topical expertise, historical engagement and other metrics.The content engine auto-updates the data set, creating the right mix of recency and historical performance for an accurate analysis.

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Chrome Extension

Detailed Influencer Insights with just a single click!