The All-In-One platform to help scale your D2C Brand’s Influencer Campaigns

We have exclusive opportunities only for you! Save 30%-70% on all the tools you need to increase your brand awareness, accelerate sales and streamline your influencer campaigns.

Get Started
  • Data-Driven Influencer Selection
  • D2C Industry Focused
  • Direct Contact to Influencers
  • Real-time Campaign
Qoruz’s detailed Influencer stats across platforms, helps us identify the ‘right’ influencers. Their campaign analytics dashboard helps us capture insightful data and optimize on the go. Sounder from the team is always available on calls to help with any support related to the dashboard.

Kartik Bhasin Marketing Manager, Country Delight

Qoruz’s detailed Influencer stats across platforms, helps us identify the ‘right’ influencers. Their campaign analytics dashboard helps us capture insightful data and optimize on the go. Sounder from the team is always available on calls to help with any support related to the dashboard.

Kartik Bhasin Marketing Manager, Country Delight

Grow your brand with a software that Brands trust. It doesn’t get any better or more affordable than this!

Community Of Vetted Influencers

  • Customizable search options to find Nano/Micro/Celebrity influencers.
  • Activate strong partnerships with influencers who are loyal fans of your brand.
  • Filter your search by keyword, platform, engagement, audience size, and more.
Influencer marketing system to discover influencers
Influencer marketing solution connecting influencers direcly with D2C brands

Influencer Insights And Statistics

  • Compare metrics and predicted costs to find most suitable Influencers.
  • Understand brand affinities and past brand associations of Influencers.
  • Analyze Influencer’s audience demographics like age, gender, and location.

Track Your Campaigns & Calculate ROI

  • Measure, and adapt your strategy with accurate, real-time influencer tracking.
  • Track content mentions and competitor's campaigns across social platforms.
  • Deep-dive into the content quality and audience sentiments of influencers.
Influencer marketing system for real-time campaign reporting.

Explore more topics for D2C Brands

Ready to brush up on something new? We've got more to read right this way. Case Studies, Reports & Guides to help you grow.

Features To Make Your Influencer Marketing Hassle-free

Qoruz not only streamlines your entire influencer marketing process but addresses critical issues
such as influencer fraud and fake followers that have long plagued the industry.

Simplify Influencer Collaborations

No more preparing spreadsheets and sending cold emails to influencers. With Qoruz, automate your influencer communication by creating lists and making contact in-app.

Identify Influencers with Fake Followers

Get a detailed view of influencer’s follower growth and avoid collaborating with influencers with suspicious growth patterns.

The Qoruz Score

Find the right influencers by comparing their Qoruz Scores along with other metrics; an influencer with lesser followers might sometimes be the better choice.

View An Influencer’s Past Brand Collaborations

Work with Influencers based on the history of brands they have collaborated with.Partner with influencers who worked with specific brands or avoid them if they worked with competitors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Nano influencers in India usually charge an average of Rs. 2000 per brand sponsored post on Instagram. And they charge Rs. 5000 per brand sponsored video on YouTube.

Indian micro influencers charge an average of Rs 2000/- per brand-sponsored post on Instagram and Rs 5000 per video on YouTube.

Nano-influencers are influencers with an audience range of 2000 to 20000 followers. Nano influencers are recruited by brands when marketing content to a specific geographical audience. Nano influencer campaigns mostly have better engagement than other influencer campaigns.

Launch your influencer campaign in less than 4 days