An Influencer Marketing Platform that Brand Managers Love.

Bring your Brand ahead of the competition with Qoruz’s insight-first influencer marketing platform instead of relying on influencer marketing agencies in India. All while optimizing your ROIs.

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Goal driven influencer marketing campaigns using Qoruz

Plan towards your goals with ease

Whether you’re aiming for engagement, reach, or conversions, Qoruz allows you to plan your influencer marketing campaigns that align with your brand’s objectives. As Brand Manager, take complete control with our intuitive, data-driven influencer marketing platform rather than depending on influencer marketing agencies.

Influencer performance benchmarking using influencer analysis data from Qoruz

Influencers + Data = Efficiency

Analyze influencer engagement metrics and benchmark their performance against other influencers. You can even use data such as follower growth to identify influencer fraud as well as effectiveness.

Launch your influencer campaign in less than 4 days

Influencer Past Brand Collaboration analysis

Keep an eye on the competition

Ensure brand safety by viewing all the brands an influencer has worked with in the past using this influencer marketing platform. Either choose to work with them to leverage their industry experience or avoid them for working with direct competitors. It’s completely your call.

Multi-level Influencer Marketing Campaign Reporting using Qoruz

Multi-level Reporting

Qoruz’s reporting feature allows you to analyze overall influencer marketing campaign performance as well as specific details such as individual influencer performance, content analytics, etc. This can help you find granular insights that may pay huge dividends in future campaigns. Is your influencer marketing agency offering this feature? If not, it’s high time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Influencers nurture strong, personal connections with their followers that brands cannot achieve today. The bigger the brand, the harder it is to be close and personable with your followers.

Influencers have the ability to sway the purchasing decisions of their followers due to their expertise, charisma, or authority. By also letting followers into their lives, influencers manage to build powerful relationships based on loyalty and trust.

This is why an increasing number of companies are opting for influencer marketing.

Most believe influencer marketing is as simple as finding a popular social media influencer, connecting with them, and paying them to create posts about your brand.

The truth is:

There's a lot more to consider behind the scenes.

From influencer metrics to audience behaviour, influencer marketing consists of a complex world of data and patterns that make it work.

From choosing the right influencer with the right audience to tracking the performance of every single post, influencer marketing needs a strong understanding of the field and lots of precise data to achieve true success.

With Qoruz, analyzing and understanding information has never been more comprehensive or simple. Take the step towards your first influencer marketing campaign by clicking here.

Here are a few simple steps to help you reach out to influencers:

  1. Search and make a list of your preferred influencers
  2. Prioritize them based on your marketing needs
  3. Gather contact information (most likely email) of each influencer (you can usually find this directly on their social media profile or website)
  4. If there is no contact information, send them a direct message on their social profile.
  5. Craft a concise message introducing yourself and your brand, what you love about the influencer's work, and how a collaboration would be mutually beneficial. Write your campaign expectations and brief in the latter half of your mail or message.
  6. Here what they have to say and find suitable conditions for both parties to begin your partnership.

Brands find influencers from their niche initially for their campaigns. Post shortlisting influencers, they reach out to the influencers to understand the commercials and deliverables.

The influencer publishes the sponsored content, and in return, the brand returns the cost involved for the endorsement made.

The sponsored content may be a product review, recommendation, promotion, or simply a brand mention. This is how collaboration works.

An influencer collab is where brands incentivize influencers to a sponsored content by them. It could be a product review, recommendation, promotion, or simply a brand mention. The influencer collaboration works on the following basis

  1. Fixing a goal.
  2. Choosing the right platform and the influencer.
  3. Negotiate the pricing.
  4. Schedule the post and take it to live.

Influencer charges per post vary based on different metrics. They are follower count, engagement rate, growth rate, etc. It even varies among the platforms. To understand the commercials of influencers, you can reach out to them manually on their social handles.

To know the influencer charges, you can signup with influencer marketing platforms and access the commercials of various influencers from India.

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