How Etsy used Qoruz as an all-in-one platform to streamline its onboarding process and enable real-time campaign tracking


Etsy is a one of a kind marketplace devoted to creative and unique products that are not available on retail or other e-commerce platforms.

What was the situation before Qoruz?

Being a new entrant in an industry that is still in its nascent stages in India, Etsy searched for the ideal segment of audience who could sell, buy and advocate for their brand and its utilities.

The Challenge

Discovering and identifying influencers to advocate the platform in the relevant niche was of top priority to Etsy.

Etsy’s team mainly was working manually with insufficient data, and it quickly became apparent to the team at Etsy that they would not be able to scale to be able to meet their sales and brand awareness goals with their current manual system that they had in place.

Etsy had to improve its way of identifying the right influencers to understand their audience. They recognized that enhancing brand awareness and online sales could only be achieved if they streamlined their influencer identification and onboarding process.

What was the Solution Applied?

A combination of influencer profile analysis, outreach and performance analytics was implemented through influencer marketing platform Qoruz. This framework streamlined the onboarding process and enabled real-time campaign tracking.

Launch your influencer campaign in less than 4 days

Features of Qoruz that helped Etsy:

Category Search

With Qoruz they could customize their search parameters based on their campaign needs. This helped them find the right influencers based on their campaign requirements. Qoruz’s AI-powered algorithm helped them periodically track, update, and verify influencer data across social platforms.

Influencer Outreach

Qoruz provided Etsy a comparison table featuring approximate performance metrics and costs of the influencers for their campaign. This helped in optimizing ROIs and comparing and choosing influencers that fit their criteria. Sending influencers a campaign brief, content guidelines and negotiating costs directly with the influencers was easier with Qoruz.

Campaign Reporting

The Campaign reporting feature of Qoruz helped track the progress of the campaign on a real time basis. This made it easier for Etsy to track audience engagement such as views, comments, likes, and more alone with the daily engagement graph offered by Qoruz.

Being able to identify individual influencer performance and evaluate a post’s content quality made it easier for Etsy to optimize their content strategy by seeing what content works for their audience.

We helped Etsy discover 100+ unique influencers across 10 niche categories and directly communicate with them, saving them third party costs.

Deepak Joshi

Account Manager for Etsy

Use Qoruz to increase your

Campaign Return On Investment

Qoruz provides a comparison table featuring approximate performance metrics and costs of the influencer for your campaign. You can optimize your ROIs and compare and choose influencers who fit your campaign criteria based on goals.

Audience Engagement Ratio

View audience engagement metrics such as views, comments, likes, and more alone with the daily engagement graph. Go deeper into audience insights with data on location, age group and gender and more. You can learn more about your audience, gather valuable data on what content works with your audience, explore new audiences and learn how to engage them.

Marketing Team Efficiency

Identify individual influencer performance, evaluate a post’s content quality, optimize content strategy by seeing what content works for your audience and track the ROI from influencers.



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