Influencer markting platform with influencer score

The New Industry Standard For
Influencer Marketing.

The Reason We Created It

The Problem:

With influencer marketing campaigns taking larger chunks of companies marketing budgets every day, marketers and influencers need a universally reliable system to make better, more informed decisions.

The Solution:

The Qoruz score is an aspirational step towards making influencer marketing more transparent, effective, and informative for both marketers and influencers using the power of data.

How it Helps

The Qoruz score is an aspirational step towards making influencer marketing more transparent, effective, and informative for both marketers and influencers around the world.

Simplifying Influencer Marketing for Brands

The Qoruz Score evaluates influencers based on their performance on a platform. Using data-driven insights, it helps brands and marketers find influencers who give marketers the most bang for their buck.

Find the most effective influencers

Compare influencers more accurately

Providing Performance Insights for Influencers

Every factor used to calculate the Qoruz Score is based on deep analytics so it is a precise reflection of an influencer's performance on a social platform.

Gather Industry And Platform-based Insights

Observe Your Influence Across Platforms

How Does It Work?

The Qoruz score is an aspirational step towards making influencer marketing more transparent, effective, and informative for both marketers and influencers around the world.

Scoring Methodology

The Qoruz score includes the following metrics, each given different weightage. The metrics are drawn from within a limited time frame or number of posts to ensure the numbers are up-to-date and unbiased.

Average Likes

Average of all likes excluding posts with abnormally high likes.

Follower Count

Total number of followers for a profile.

Average Comments

Average of all comments excluding posts with abnormally high comments.

Follower Growth Rate

Percentage increase/decrease in followers over limited time-period.

Average Video Views

Average of all video views excluding posts with abnormally high views.

Engagement Rate

Percentage of (Number of engagements on a post/Total number of followers).

Influencer Engagements parameters

Weightage of Parameters

As mentioned before, studies state engagement as a more accurate measure of social media impact. With that as the foundation, we used years of research to fine-tune a highly-accurate weightage system.

Using these methods, the Qoruz Score is calculated separately for each platform.

A Combined Social Score Does Not Work

In most cases, an influencer rises to fame due to their activities on a particular social media platform and leverage it to build a presence on other platforms.

Influencer marketing Score

There can be multiple reasons for this:

  • Maybe they have more expertise in a particular platform than others.
  • Maybe their content format/topic works best in a specific platform.
  • Maybe a proportion of their audience from the first platform is not present on other platforms.

So when you combine platforms for scoring, a top Instagram influencer's score becomes lower due to their limited activity on Facebook or Twitter.

Influencer marketing Score

Engagement Is Better than Follower Count

Many influencers command huge payouts due to their massive follower-base. But many other factors that come into
play when considering influence.

Here are two influencers with widely-differing follower-counts:.

Influencer Comparision

Shilpa Shetty

Mumbai, MH, India

Shilpa Shetty is a famous movie star and a large part of her audience is interested in that aspect of her social content.

Sapna Vyas

Mumbai, MH, India

Sapna Vyas Patel's (popular fitness influencer) Instagram is dedicated towards fitness-related content.


Qoruz Score
Average Comments
Average Video Views
Engagement Rate
Average Likes



Audience Interests


Key insights

  • Large audience base
  • Wider range of content, meaning diverse audience
  • Lower engagement rate, offset by follower count
  • High price due to follower count
  • Qoruz Score of 9.25
  • Relatively smaller audience base
  • Specific content, meaning homogenous audience
  • Higher engagement rate.
  • Relatively lower price due to follower count.
  • Qoruz Score of 9.26
  • Large audience base
  • Wider range of content, meaning diverse
  • Lower engagement rate, offset by follower count
  • High price due to follower count
  • Qoruz Score of 9.25
  • Relatively smaller audience base
  • Specific content, meaning homogenous audience
  • Higher engagement rate.
  • Relatively lower price due to follower count.
  • Qoruz Score of 9.26
So what does all this mean?
Sapna Vyas is a better influencer than Shilpa Shetty?
Or vice-versa?

We are simply illustrating how the Qoruz Score can help identify influencers who are just as good as, or better than,
famous celebrities with massive follower counts. The scoring system from this influencer marketing platform concisely measures influencer effectiveness on the basis of data and ranks them without bias. Marketers still have the responsibility of evaluating the myriad other factors and picking the influencer who best fits their goals and objectives.

We envision influencer marketing to become integral to the overarching marketing landscape. And as part of this industry, we are determined to make it more holistic, transparent, and powerful for businesses and influencers everywhere.

Co-Founder & CEO

Frequently Asked Questions

Influencers nurture strong, personal connections with their followers that brands cannot achieve today. The bigger the brand, the harder it is to be close and personable with your followers.

Influencers have the ability to sway the purchasing decisions of their followers due to their expertise, charisma, or authority. By also letting followers into their lives, influencers manage to build powerful relationships based on loyalty and trust.

This is why an increasing number of companies are opting for influencer marketing.

Most believe influencer marketing is as simple as finding a popular social media influencer, connecting with them, and paying them to create posts about your brand.

The truth is:

There's a lot more to consider behind the scenes.

From influencer metrics to audience behaviour, influencer marketing consists of a complex world of data and patterns that make it work.

From choosing the right influencer with the right audience to tracking the performance of every single post, influencer marketing needs a strong understanding of the field and lots of precise data to achieve true success.

With Qoruz, analyzing and understanding information has never been more comprehensive or simple. Take the step towards your first influencer marketing campaign by clicking here.

Here are a few simple steps to help you reach out to influencers:

  1. Search and make a list of your preferred influencers
  2. Prioritize them based on your marketing needs
  3. Gather contact information (most likely email) of each influencer (you can usually find this directly on their social media profile or website)
  4. If there is no contact information, send them a direct message on their social profile.
  5. Craft a concise message introducing yourself and your brand, what you love about the influencer's work, and how a collaboration would be mutually beneficial. Write your campaign expectations and brief in the latter half of your mail or message.
  6. Here what they have to say and find suitable conditions for both parties to begin your partnership.

Social influence is measured by analyzing the influencer’s social handle data. It includes metrics like reach, engagement, follower growth etc.

Influencers’ Social Media statistics and analytics can be viewed for free by signing up with Qoruz.

Influence score is calculated by a combined analysis of influencer's engagement, reach, growth rate, follower count, and more metrics. Different influencer marketing platforms give different weightage for these metrics when they arrive at the influence score.

Influencer media value is calculated by the influencer's follower count, engagement, and popularity on their Social Media channels.

Consider the following points when looking for an influencer

  1. Check out the reach of the influencer.
  2. Validate the authenticity and relevancy of the influencer.
  3. Verify the engagement of the influencer with their audience.
  4. Check the location of the influencer.

Several influencer marketing platforms in the market would automate all these processes.

Try Qoruz For Free.

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