
Here’s how Marketers make the most of Qoruz


Find relevant influencers faster

Find influencers from your niche faster. Don’t compromise on time by googling the list of influencers manually or waiting for the influencer list to be shared by an external agency.

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Find influencers with less effort

Find influencers from your niche without much effort. Invest your or resource’s effort in productive stuff instead.

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Get influencer contact in less than 5 secs

Why DM influencers manually for their contact details? Get their contact details instantly and negotiate on the go.

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Speak with influencers directly

Communicate with the influencers directly about the cost, campaign changes etc. Avoid relying on agencies or vendors.

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Verify if the influencer cost quoted by the agency is legit

Stop paying additional costs to the agency for your influencer campaign. Evaluating their actual cost before paying the agency.

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Reduce up to 50% of your influencer campaign budget

Get transparency in the influencer cost when you outsource your influencer campaigns. Spend your campaign budget wisely.

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Get influencer cost in less than 5 secs

Why wait for days to receive the influencer cost by DMing them manually? Get the influencer cost on the go.

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Validate if the influencer has worked with similar brands

Decide whether or not to collaborate with an influencer by validating the brands the influencer has collaborated with before.

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