Youtube Engagement Rate Calculator

Try our Influencer Engagement Rate Calculator to find out the engagement rate of any Youtube influencer.

Copy & paste the influencer's youtube handle. Avoid typing the influencer's name.


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What is an Influencer Engagement Rate?

Engagement rate is the involvement you receive on your post from your followers or audience. It is calculated in percentage.

The engagement rate gives an average idea of how well your content is doing on social media. It does not necessarily depend on the number of followers. The response you receive through likes, comments, and shares drive the engagement rate. Here is a quick example for you to understand the engagement rate better; Suppose a celebrity posted a video on Youtube but you scrolled through it, in this case, you did not engage with the celebrity’s video. If you would have liked and commented, it is considered engaging with the post.

Why Should You Calculate Engagement Rate?

Let’s just take a moment and understand that not all engagement rates are built equal.

As an account grows in terms of followers, the engagement rate could drop. Micro and nano-influencers tend to have an engagement rate. This is because the audience root for their favorite micro and nano-influencers.

You would want to choose an influencer based on their engagement rate and here’s why.

  1. To eliminate the risk of fake followers

    With the growing number of fake influencers using bots and falsely altering & distorting follower count and engagement data, audience authenticity has already become a critical challenge.

    Fortunately spotting them is easy if you take a closer look at their followers and engagement rate. There are two tell-tale ways of spotting a fake influencer.

    • Anything that seems contrived is most likely purchased. When you see an influencer that has hundreds and thousands of followers but has an iota of engagement rate is a red flag.

    • There has been a rise in something called engagement groups, where a number of people join together in a group called engagement for engagement.

      This gives an illusion of an attractive engagement rate but when you take a closer look you can find the same repetitive comments that make no sense and a jumble of irrelevant emojis. Sometimes thousands of likes on a post where the account has fewer followers.

  2. To measure ROI.

    There is a clear correlation between engagement rate and ROI.

    Studies show that influencer marketing has 11 times higher ROI than traditional marketing. For every dollar invested in influencer marketing, brands typically make $5.20. As a result, 66% of brands plan to increase their spending on influencer marketing in 2022.

    The engagement rate brings you detailed information for each campaign post and enables you to gauge its performance.

The Impact Of Engagement Rate In Influencer Marketing

Creators with high interaction rates cultivate audiences that value their perspective.

When an influencer creates content with the mindset that the audience follows them for good content and not just to watch posts about products, it would automatically result in a higher engagement rate. The influencer would have to find creative ways to incorporate the brand in their content that wouldn’t bore the audience. This strategy helps in climbing the engagement rate.

Higher engagement rates are strongly correlated with an influencer's ability to utilize their connections and expertise to the brand's advantage. Higher sales and more loyal customers are common perks for brands with high engagement rates.

How To Calculate Youtube Engagement Rate

There are two ways to calculate the Youtube engagement rate.

  1. follower count. Everyone can use this method to calculate the engagement rate of any account. Saves count cannot be found when you don’t own the account. Just use the likes, comments and followers count to calculate.

    ( ( (Likes + comments + saves) / followers) / 10) * 100

  2. Using impressions. This method can only be used when you have access to the influencer’s account.

    ( (Likes + comments + saves) / impressions) * 100

Why do you need the second type of engagement calculation when you could just apply the first method to any account?

Let’s take a deeper look. Assume there are 60k followers for a creator but only 11k have watched a recent video that was posted. The video that is posted is actually exposed to every single follower but to get a clear metric on the engagement rate, we use the impressions to get a more specific engagement rate out of the 11k followers who have watched the video. Impressions mean the number of people that actually engaged with the content rather than just scrolling away.

For YouTube engagement rate calculation,

( (Likes + comments + shares + downloads) / views ) * 100

For Twitter engagement rate calculation,

( (Likes + replies + retweets) / impressions) * 100

Impressions on Twitter do not mean reach. Reach is the number of individuals a post reaches whereas impression is the number of times a post has been seen, i.e if five people see your tweet ten times each, your reach is five but your impression is fifty.

If you are still confused with all the big techy terms you are welcome to try the engagement rate calculator by Qoruz. You could calculate the engagement rate of any of your favorite influencers. Just type in your influencer’s name to get a detailed analysis of their engagement rate.

What’s A Good Engagement Rate In 2022?

The average Instagram engagement rate is 1.94%. Micro-influencers bring a 3% to 7% engagement rate.

Hovering around the range of 3.5% to 7% is seen as being extremely favorable. A 1.5% engagement rate for influencers with a higher number of followers is considered good.

As for YouTube engagement rate, anywhere between 2.8% to 5.2% is considered good for micro and nano-influencers whereas a mega-influencer is supposed to have at least 1.9%.

On Twitter, a mere 0.5% is considered good.

Why Should You Use Engagement Rate In Influencer Marketing?

Follower count is considered a vanity metric because followers could be brought. Even the engagement such as likes and comments could be contrived. The best thing to do would be to dissect the details a little. Details as how clear the bio of an influencer is, the original content they post, and consistency.

While these tips can help you spot an influencer, there is no guarantee that they would have the engagement rate that you are expecting. That is when the engagement rate calculator becomes a means to measure the level of authenticity and trust in an influencer.

Your business will have a higher chance of a successful campaign if the target demographic is engaged with the influencer you are working with.

The main reason behind calculating the engagement rate of an influencer is to gain reassurance or confidence that you have picked the right influencer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few simple steps to help you reach out to influencers:

  1. Start with interesting questions in your caption. This breaks the ice and gets the audience to respond to your question.
  2. Follow other accounts that are in your niche for better reach and visibility.
  3. Examine your competitor and follow the trend with your own twist.
  4. Post stories that are engaging. Polls are a good way to kick-start your engagement.
  5. Schedule regular live streams. Your followers would love to see you and it appears more personal as if they are included in the circle.

(((Likes+comments+saves)/followers)/10) * 100

For a more detailed analysis use our engagement rate calculator.

  • For nano-influencers with 1k to 10k followers - 11%
  • For micro-influencers with 10k to 100k followers - 5.6%
  • For macro-influencers with 100k to 1M followers - 4.8%
  • For mega-influencer/ celebrity influencers with more than 1 Million followers - 4.6%

  • For nano-influencers with 1k to 10k followers - 16%
  • For micro-influencers with 10k to 100k followers - 3.5%
  • For macro-influencers with 100k to 1M followers - 1.2%
  • For mega-influencer/ celebrity influencers with more than 1 Million followers - 1.7%

  • For nano-influencers with 1k to 10k followers - 9.9%
  • For micro-influencers with 10k to 100k followers - 6.3%
  • For macro-influencers with 100k to 1M followers - 1.4%
  • For mega-influencer/ celebrity influencers with more than 1 Million followers - 0.42%

1.94% is the average engagement rate on Instagram, 0.63 % on YouTube, and 0.037% on Twitter.